“Our Mission Is To Provide Quality Public Service, Public Education, and Professional Emergency Response”

Monroe Fire Department

1810 Martin Luther King Blvd

Monroe, LA


Jimmie R. Bryant, Fire Chief

EMSNetwork Latest News

International Association of Fire Chiefs

International Association of Firefighters

National Association For Search and Rescue

National Association of

Emergency Medical Technicians

National Fire Fighter

Near-Miss Reporting System

visit forbetterlife.org

Salvage and Overhaul

After the initial investigation is complete, the salvage and overhaul phase begins.  During salvage, the firefighters, working with the resident, remove any objects that may be of value and secure them to the resident.  After salvage is done, then the firefighters begin “overhaul,” which is the process of looking for small “spot” fires that may grow into a re-ignition of the structure, if not extinguished.  This is done by digging through the burned rubbles of scarred lumber, furnishings, and fixtures, searching for smoke or heat sources, and applying water if such a hot-spot is found.


After the fire is extinguished, and the initial investigation, salvage, and overhaul processes are complete, as well as insuring the safety of the structure, the Incident Command will report to the resident and/or property owner and give a full report of the actions of the department needed to control the fire.  At this time, the control of the structure is usually returned to the property owner.  The supply line and attack line hoses are drained of water, inspected for any damage, and placed back on the apparatus along with any equipment used on the scene.  The  units are checked to insure all equipment is present before leaving the scene.

Fire Suppression—The Life Cycle of a Structure Fire Response