“Our Mission Is To Provide Quality Public Service, Public Education, and Professional Emergency Response”

Monroe Fire Department

1810 Martin Luther King Blvd

Monroe, LA


Jimmie R. Bryant, Fire Chief

EMSNetwork Latest News

International Association of Fire Chiefs

International Association of Firefighters

National Association For Search and Rescue

National Association of

Emergency Medical Technicians

National Fire Fighter

Near-Miss Reporting System

visit forbetterlife.org


After a short pause, the investigation of the cause and origin of the fire begins.  If the exact cause of the fire is not obvious, or if the usage of accelerants is suspected, then a Monroe Fire Department Fire  Investigator is  called to the scene to begin his  initial investigation.  At this point any cleanup or salvage operation is temporarily suspended while the investigators can determine the area of origin, the point of origin, and if the fire was accidental or intentional.  Samples of substances such as any accelerants found and damaged construction materials may be taken and used as evidence in an arson investigation.

Fire Suppression—The Life Cycle of a Structure Fire Response