“Our Mission Is To Provide Quality Public Service, Public Education, and Professional Emergency Response”

Monroe Fire Department

1810 Martin Luther King Blvd

Monroe, LA


Jimmie R. Bryant, Fire Chief

EMSNetwork Latest News

International Association of Fire Chiefs

International Association of Firefighters

National Association For Search and Rescue

National Association of

Emergency Medical Technicians

National Fire Fighter

Near-Miss Reporting System

visit forbetterlife.org

Rescue-2 is “in service” to the citizens and visitors of the City of Monroe as a “heavy rescue” truck.   “Heavy Rescue” implies a fully-equipped full-size fire apparatus with a diverse range of specialized rescue equipment, with a highly trained and experienced crew compliment.   With a crew consisting of a Fire Captain as the Company Officer, and Lieutenant as the Fire Driver/Operator, and two Private/Firefighters, all regularly assigned personnel are trained in many rescue-oriented skills, some of which include:

Monroe Fire Department Heavy Rescue: Rescue-2

· Vehicle Extrication (using the “jaws of life”)

· High-Angle Rope Rescue

· Urban Search and Rescue / Building Collapse

· Trench Rescue

· Hazardous Materials Technician-Level Training


Rescue-2 is dispatched as first-alarm to all structure fires, fire alarms, motor vehicle accidents, auto-pedestrian accidents, and cardiac arrests.  This diverse range of response makes it one of the busiest apparatuses on the department.



Trench Rescue Training

Vehicle Rescue / Extrication Training

Rescue-2, Supplying 120VAC Electricity to a Rescue Tool